The Briansk story or There and back again  

Брянская история (туда и обратно) Часть 2

Part II

In the weekend we had come to Klincy. We havn''t car because our driver went to Biansk. As a resalt we go to bus-station - 10 minets and we come in to centre of Klintcovsky area.

The Klincy - don''t big town - approcsimatly 78000 peoples.
- I havn''t information about one name ....
Maybe it''s by word "Klin" - in ruso mean ..... WEDGE
Nobody known when this town been built, but for aught I know that one was been at beginning of XVII centory, as one of points in North War (between Russia and Sweden).

This town had been built by "Starovier''e" - Russian peoples
which don''t keeping reformation of Ortodoxal religion in XVI centory. So or not, but now - Klincy - the religions centere of Russia Starovier-peoples. "Starovier''e" - conciste of two words "Stariy" - OLD and "Viera" - FAITH.
This name is resalt of chenging church-books in XVI centory - peoples which don''t keeping new translation of bible from greek to russian - was calling by Starovier''e.

But I''m retorn to modern time: Now it''s little town which have one big street, one big square, one big church and two monuments of Lenin (red and steel). More shops, cafe and farmacias, mobil-saloon, inn, auto and train stations and other matters of civilisations...
- I don''t found only internet.
- Horror ! - In XXI centory in Europe - life without WWW and e-mail ?! (((
But the other hand - such littele towns - green and don''t worring pleace - very pleasant by visit. Maybe it''s not very comfortobale for life or work but very pleasant for rest - short wolking in summer day''s with friends and good thinks about anything.

However we wasn''t wolking man on the rest - half of day we was searching special equepment - we meet all farmacia in town - then had been hangry, frosty and come to restoran. The restoran is very cosy and romantic: dark, lamps as like as forchs, easy music. Only one problem - long to waiting camarera between drinks. But we all was have weariness and are ready sit long time.

Then, where we begin leave, the thunderstorm are beginning !
- We hear thanderclap and see thundercloud and ligth of thunderbold. Very rapidly we run to bus-stop and our walking had finishing more befor sunset!

To be contened ...

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Часть 1
Часть 3
Часть 4

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