Часть 1
Часть 2
Часть 4
Фотоальбом экспедиции
The Briansk story or There and back again
Брянская история (туда и обратно) Часть 3
Part III
Next week we have more working trip to settlment whech be near the boundarys of Russia with Belorussia and Ucraina.
The Russia, Beloruss and Ucraina-people - three brenchs of East
Slaveanskay groope of people, as known as scaintists. In old time, which exist the Russia Emperium, the title of Russia imperator (TSAR by Russia) have such words: THAS of the Great Russia, Little Russia and White Russia and other ... Such words was mean Russia (a full Velikorussia - "Great Russia"), Ucraina (Old name - "Malorossia" - a Little Russia) and Belorussia (The White Russia).
Now we have life not only whithout Thar but also whithout one country, as like as Nicaragua, Cista Rica, Gonduras and etc. havn''t unified country - Central America now.
But peoples in new countres have remember about equal history and culchural, and economic and also relatives relationship.
One of them I may see in boundarys settelments: in Nicolaevca village my mobil
ring and show SMS: "Velcom" compane of Belorussia. Near the Dobrodeevka settlments I may see that mobil in zone of "KievStar" company.
But ! There are not only examles of integration and friendship between peoples.
Politic! Modern politic - the main primer of desintegration and social disaster, for life and bisness of peoples for sussecfull a little groops of them. I believe This prosess don''t news for your country ! - Each countre have unique peasant and beauty but all countres have problem as like as ...
To be contened ...